I want to learn how to apply those principles to more important parts of my life. In Christ, everything can be made new, transformed, and changed. But just like He allowed Paul to have weaknesses, I think He lets us continue in some of our flaws, too. It's not that I want to settle for less than what I believe God desires of me. But I also want to learn to work with what I am - Flawed. Weak. Scared. Strong-willed. I think if I could learn to accept some of these things about myself, instead of fighting all of them, maybe then God would be more glorified in me. "His strength is made perfect in our weakness."
Every Sunday my mom makes us linner (lunch+dinner). This Sunday, she wasn't around, so Jeremy and I came home and I cooked. Our options were pretty limited because we'd been out of town (green pepper and banana salad, anyone?) so I made one of our favorite stand-by meals. We have most of these ingredients in our house at any point, so it's a great last-minute "I haven't been to the store in a week" meal.
Work with What You've Got Pasta
serves 2-3 people~1 28 ounce can of whole San Marzano tomatoes (or, 2 small cans of diced tomatoes)
~1 medium onion
~5 tablespoons of butter
~Noodles of your choice (I prefer Angel Hair)I know, sounds boring and too easy right? Doesn't it need garlic? Or meat? Or something? I say, no. My husband says, "Dump ungodly amounts of powdered garlic and Parmesan cheese on it." Whatever.
San Marzano tomatoes are supposedly the must-have for this recipe. They are really good, but they are also expensive and I think the sauce turns out a little runny with them. And if you must have meat, I like to cook chicken tenders in olive oil and add these incredibly complicated and amazing spices:
I dump a little white cooking wine in at the end as well, and voila. A delicious meal that cost you hardly any time or effort, and probably not even a trip to the store. Work with what you've got!
You have so very much to work with.